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Saturday, July 02, 2005

We Came, We Saw, We Shredded

This is just...perfect.

See how a group of those who support our troops turned the tables on those who don't, in "Operation Simply Shred." (from Little Green Footballs)

In essence....

Poster board and markers, $5...

Shredder, $20...

Showing the anti-war crowd what freedom of expression is really about: Priceless.

Make sure to go to Little Green Footballs for this one, and check out the slide show. Gonna have to start my own Operation Shred....I've got a few cats. (That'll make sense when you see the slideshow)

Hat tip to JackArmy

Also blogging about Operation Simply Shred:
Lifelike Pundits
Kokonut Pundits
GOP Bloggers