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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Things That Make You Go @#*#$%!!

I’m going to have to stop reading / watching Fox’s “Grapevine.” Either that, or I’m going to have to start buying Antacids in bulk…

It’s all our fault:
London’s Mayor (“Red Ken” Livingstone) is
blaming the West for the London bombings. It’s all our fault because we helped Afghani rebels fight the Soviet Union (of course, the terrorists are claiming that the bombing is because of Iraq, but hey, whatever works).

Basically, if you don’t have jet fighters, blowing yourself up and taking out innocent people is what you’re left with. He does condemn suicide bombing, though…

By the by, Red Ken is also a big fan of
Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, the “Theologian of Terror,” infamous for the anti-US and anti-UK tripe he regularly spills.

One of Bakri’s greatest hits is:

"…Clinton is a target of the Jihad, and American forces are a target of the Jihad wherever they are… American people must reconsider their foreign policy, or their children will be sent back to them in coffins. They need to think about the consequences of maintaining forces in Lebanon, the Golan Heights, and the Middle East as a whole. Clinton is responsible and he will pay… [The existence of Israel] is a crime. Israel must be removed…" (Wait a minute, I thought Bush was responsible…? Oh, nevermind)

Bakri is also the man who said,
“We will use your democracy to destroy your democracy.”

Swell guy, eh?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
In an
exhibit at the California Department of Justice (hello…?), “T’anks to Mr. Bush” is ticking off Republicans. The exhibit shows the U.S. spiraling into a toilet.

Steve Pearcy is the same great American artist who brought you the
effigy of the U.S. Soldier hanging outside his home with a sign that said “Bush Lied, I Died.” It was later “vandalized” (twice).

Since no federal funds were used for the exhibit, the lovely work will be there for the rest of the month. Libs, grab your tickets now if you want to see it.

Virtual Harrassment
And California has also decided that someone can now be a victim of sexual harassment if the boss never even had any physical or verbal contact with them.

In its
ruling, the California Supreme Court said that “even in the absence of coercive behavior, certain conduct creates a work atmosphere so demeaning to women that it constitutes an actionable hostile work environment."

This particular case involved a boss rewarding women with whom he was having an affair. So, in this case, there may be a slight tinge of merit, but, no, wait.... OK, this is ridiculous. It’s WAY to open to misuse. What if a male just happens to like one coworker, and not another – for purely platonic reasons? What’s next – the first case of telepathic harassment (“Your honor, I could tell he was thinking of harassing me, even though he never said or did anything….”)

I am absolutely on board when it comes to EQUAL rights…but I tend to see that as EQUAL, not “getting even.” That also means “Equal Responsibilities,” things like we register with Selective Service too, one qualifying standard for the military, etc. It does NOT mean that we decide that women can be harassed by someone who has no verbal or physical contact with them and the only issue is they don’t get the benefit someone else does – how about if one woman gets a raise and another doesn’t, does this mean that lawsuits are just going to start flying around? What do you think would happen if a man made this claim? Every court decision sets precedent, and this is setting a frightening one.
