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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Moonbats on Parade

In Fox News this morning is the following story:

San Francisco Mulls Military Recruiting Ban

The subject of military recruiting in schools is a hotly debated one. But to BAN recruiters from a school? It's no secret that our school systems are hotbeds of liberal, anti-troop rhetoric. However, the fact that they would even consider actively baning recruiters, especially considering the agenda of the folks asking for the ban, is frightening.

If the measure qualifies for the November ballot and is approved by voters, it would encourage city officials and university administrators to exclude recruiters — even if it means forsaking government dollars — and to create scholarships and training to reduce the military's appeal to youth

So basically, our schools would become private anti-military education systems - and what alternatives would a parent have? Virtually none.

Oh, and take a look at who's driving this train:

"We do not see George Bush's daughters signing up," said Ragina Johnson, a member of the International Socialist Organization. "It is poor and working class people who need a job and education at the same time billions are being spent on this war."

I don't know about you, but the idea of an entire city school district adopting a plan developed by Socialists in the United States is very, very frightening to me.

And if they are banning military recruiters, how about banning the Peace Corps? The Crop Walk? Job Fairs? Anything - absolutely anything - that might educate American children to career opportunities, help form ideals and belief systems - should be banned.

I think this whole thing comes dangerously close to discrimination on the basis of creed. The term has not really been well-defined in antidiscrimination law, but clearly, the agenda here is to eliminate any pro-military options for any student. To ensure that the radical left is the only voice heard in schools. That has to be close to the sort of thing the law was designed to protect against. After all, what do you think would happen if a public school tried to eliminate evolution theory?

I wonder if we'd find the same sort of opposition to Amnesty International coming into a school.... Have you found any sort of public push to have military history TAUGHT in schools?

According to these people, believing in the military is horrible - to believe that it is honorable to serve one's country is deplorable. And what does THAT say about where these people are at?


Gitmo Dick is at it again....this from Move America Forward:

In keeping with his outrageous conduct against our troops, U.S. SenatorRichard Durbin's office intimated to an Illinois newspaper - theNorthwest Herald of Crystal Lake, IL - that the IRS should shut down apro-military not-for-profit organization (Move America Forward) that isrunning TV Ads featuring the Senator's widely-criticized comments,telling the newspaper:

"Have you ever seen that H&R Block commercial where the guy leans in and says, 'I see an audit'?"From CNS News - syndicated on, GOPUSA and other news sites:

This is all a reaction to the ad campaign that takes Senator Dick Durbinto task for comparing U.S. Troops based at Guantanamo Bay to "Nazis, Soviets with their Gulags or some mad regime like Pol Pot or others."

The television ad can be seen online here: