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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Keeping Score

Over at, you'll find a tally of the terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists since 9/11/2001. It's a very sobering page, and (no surprise) includes attacks worldwide.

Shocking, I know, but Iraq, Afghanistan, and London are not the only places where terrorists are operating.

Admittedly, not all Muslims are terrorists (for example, the Free Muslim Coalition), and I'm not condemning a religion. I don't blame all Catholics for the actions of the IRA. But Islamic extremism is out of control, and the calmer, saner elements of the religion need to start being an active part of the solution. It is going to take serious, sincere effort on the part of Islam's followers to deal with the extremist elements therein. Apathy isn't going to do it, nor is repeatedly intoning "Islam is a religion of peace." It may be, but its radical followers are sure not being peaceful.

There was worldwide outcry over the allegations of Koran desecration at Gitmo, but there seems to be almost none regarding global terrorism. These acts are being done in the name of Islam - if this is a religion of peace, isn't that the highest form of desecration?

And these terrorist acts aren't always against non-Muslims - sometimes attacked are people who just aren't Muslim enough to suit the terrorists.

Recently, some high-ranking Muslim theologians have come out to denounce the attacks in London. It's a start, but there needs to be a lot more.

Hat tip to American Dinosaur

Update: Then again, maybe it IS happening, and we're just not hearing it...
This comes from Seamus:

Report: Radical Kuwaiti Imams Drowned Out in Pro-American Protests by Local Worshippers
From the Al-Siyasah newspaper (received June 6):

"The Imam of al-Jabiriyah preached against the Americans and the Worshippers shouted 'O' Allah, make America stronger!"

"The Al-Siyasah newspaper has received news that several mosques in Kuwait have begun to exhibit a new phenomenon manifested in the rejection by worshippers of extremist prayers expressed by some of the Imams during their Khutbah [friday prayer]. These prayers included invitations to fight the Americans and to become more hostile towards them. An example of this [phenomenon] was when Nabil al-Awadi, who is an Imam at one of the mosques in the southern region of Al-Surrah, began preaching against the Americans in his last Friday Khutbah. As a result, the people at prayer cut off his speech and demanded that he stop talking. Additionally, the worshippers at the mosque of Aisha Shabib in the Al-Jabiriyah neighborhood shouted, 'O' Allah, make Islam and America stronger' in response to what the Imam of that mosque had said during friday prayer about America and the current war [in Iraq]."