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Friday, July 01, 2005

From Move America Forward - Off to Iraq


WE'RE HEADING OFF TO IRAQ. and you are welcome to join us for live reports, photographs, and interviews with our troops.

Move America Forward (website: in conjunction with the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) is leading a delegation of talk radio hosts to Iraq.

The "Voices of Soldiers" Truth Tour will take place from July 7th - 17th and will provide our military men and women the opportunity to tell the American people about the accomplishments and progress they are making in Iraq -- the things that are NOT being reported by other media outlets.

The Truth Tour begins at CENTCOM headquarters on July 7th where the talk show hosts will receive an extensive briefing. Then, Move America Forward will host a BBQ for the honorable men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who are stationed at CENTCOM's Tampa headquarters - the command center for the war on terrorism in Iraq.

The group will then travel on to Kuwait, transfer to military aircraft, and finally arrive at Camp Victory (near Baghdad Airport) in Iraq.

We've set up a page where we will be uploading updates, audio files, reports and more on the Truth Tour at the Move America Forward website - We'll also provide links to more audio clips, images and more that will be hosted at

In addition to live shows broadcast by the radio talk show hosts in attendance, we will also be providing special reports and segments to Sean Hannity's nationally syndicated show, Laura Ingram's nationally syndicated show, Dennis Prager's nationally syndicated show and many others. Just added - reports to John Batchelor's radio show on WABC New York and Bruce Jacob's show on KFYI in Phoenix.

The trip is being led by Move America Forward Co-Chairs Melanie Morgan (of powerhouse KSFO 560 AM - San Francisco) and The Honorable Howard Kaloogian (California State Assemblyman, Republican, 1994-2000); and Lt. Col. (Ret.) Buzz Patterson, a member of the Move America Forward board who is also a bestselling author and radio talk show host on the RighTalk radio network.

Others in attendance include Michael Graham of Washington D.C.'s powerhouse WMAL 630 AM; Martha Zoller of Atlanta/Gainesville talk radio station WDUN 550 AM; Mark Williams - a regular Fox News contributor - of Sacramento's #1 radio station, KFBK 1530 AM; Brad Maaske of NewsTalk 580 AM KMJ in Fresno.