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Tuesday, July 26, 2005


ROFASix - has the skinny on the Army's new IED countermeasure...

Stop by Castle Argghhh!!! for a dose of art - submit your entry for "The Art of the Liberated" - a gallery to counter idiot Steve Pearcy's "T'anks Mr. Bush."

Michael Yon - If you haven't read "The Devil's Foyer" yet, make a point to.

Soldiers' Angel - Holly Aho visits a wounded hero

Guidons, Guidons, Guidons! shows me why I just might become a Houston Astros fan...

Brittany's Blogs - The following blogs are linking to or referring to Brittany's card to our Heroes:

Les Enfants Terrible
Old Controller
The Paragraph Farmer

UPDATE: More blogs posting about Brittany's awesome card!
Murdoc Online
My Newz n' Ideas
