This day in 1775, the U.S. Army was founded.
The following message, along with a whole heap of other info related to the day, can be found at:
On June 14, 2005, we proudly celebrate the United States Army’s 230th Birthday. For 230 years, the Nation has entrusted the Army with preserving its peace and freedom, and defending its democracy. Since 1775, American Soldiers have answered the call to duty. They are imbued with the ideals of the Warrior Ethos and motivated by an unwavering belief that they will be victorious. Our Soldiers have understood that our Constitution and the freedom it guarantees are worth fighting for. They sacrifice their personal comfort and safety to answer a higher calling: service in the cause of freedom, both at home and abroad.
America is at war, and the call to duty pierces the air once again. Our adversaries have declared war on our way of life, attacked our homeland, and vowed to attack us again. America is threatened, and it is our duty to serve. America’s sons and daughters who are answering the call to duty are engaged in the noblest work of life, protecting our Nation and enabling others to live free.
Today, our Soldiers protect our national interests around the globe, serving in more than 120 countries. Recently, in joint, combined environments, Soldiers helped to rescue two nations from oppression, and liberated over 50 million people. Since then, more than 1 million Americans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many are returning for a second or third time. Our Soldiers understand that this is a struggle we must win. We are humbled by their sacrifices in the service of our Nation. Despite the hardships, and the danger to life and limb, duty calls, and our Soldiers continue to answer.
Our Nation appreciates your courage, your sacrifice, and your selfless-service. This week the United States Postal Service is demonstrating support for our Soldiers with a special cancellation stamp that commemorates our Army’s 230 years of service to the Nation. They are also assisting in the Freedom Team Salute, a program to send an Army Birthday card to every Soldier. We thank the US Postal Service for their role in recognizing the service of our troops. They are joined by a host of organizations around the country celebrating the Army Birthday.
To our Soldiers around the world, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families on this 230th Army Birthday. You are volunteers, doing your difficult duty against an enemy who does not value life, is afraid of liberty, and desires to crush the individual pursuit of a democratic way of life. You are playing a crucial role in the War on Terrorism, and your dedication to this noble effort underscores your determined professionalism and tenacity. We are proud to serve with you, as you place the mission first and live the Warrior Ethos. You have made our Army the most respected institution in the United States and the preeminent land power on Earth. Thank you for answering the call to duty.
God bless each and every one of you and your families, and God bless America.
Kenneth O. Preston Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker Francis J. Harvey
Sgt. Major of the Army US Army Chief of Staff Secretary of the Army