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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Received this from Seamus, via his "All Hands" list:

All Hands:
Here is a good way to start off the morning. This is from Del Del Vecchio, and it is, finally, an admission that the main stream media is guilty, yes guilty, of anti-military bias. I have been using the All Hands for 3 years now fighting this bias, and it is good to read that some one publishable is writing of this bias. Bias can also be expressed as Bravo Sierra.

Thanks and Semper Fi, Del,

A teaser for the article he sent:
"The last few years have seen a heightened awareness of the mainstream media's anti-military bias. Plenty of people are noticing it, and even some media brand name correspondents are admitting it. There is plenty of evidence..."

See the rest at:
Military-haters in the press