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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Bicycle Ride to Support Our Troops - Update from the Road

John's latest update on his bicycle ride...

Cuthbert, Georgia, is a crossroads here in the southwest corner of Georgia. It rained last night, but i was high and dry on the porch of the Baptist Church in Sasser, back about 25 miles. Today it is nice and cool. I'm making real good time. Terrain has slacked off to nice and flat farmlands with an occasional hill. But without the heat, today is a godsend. Sleeping well. Getting as shower every evening. Only hassle is that my diet hasn't stablized yet. But I'm working on it...

This is Day 6. Slowly I am gaining my strength after wintering over in South Carolina.

Date is May 21.

Way to go, John. Keep on rollin'!