In the last month or so, Soldiers’ Angels has had a flood of submissions from troops looking for support. As a result, Angels are needed now! Would you like a chance to say thanks to a Hero?
The commitment is approximately 1-2 letters a week and 1-2 care packages a month. The rewards are indescribable. Supporting one of our brave Heroes gives you a tangible way to say ‘thank you.’ It allows you to be a part of protecting your country, in that you are directly supporting one of our Heroes in harm’s way.
While there are no guarantees of return correspondence, many Angels (myself included) have been fortunate enough to hear from their Hero. I cannot explain what a gift that is.
Many of our Heroes do not receive any mail or packages at all while deployed. Imagine putting your life on the line for your country, and never getting any mail from home. In some cases, troops have families who simply don’t have the means to send packages as they’d like to, and they will submit their Hero’s name for help.
Mail is vital to morale, and morale is vital to bringing home a healthy hero.
If you as an individual would like to help support a deployed Hero, or if you own or work for a company who can support a group of troops, please go to the Soldiers’ Angels website to find out more.