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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Hero Heals - Joey's Update, 3-08-05

Joey is back at Walter Reed after having 6 wonderful days at home for the first time since the accident in Iraq to meet his family and friends. Several events were crowded into this short time and Joey was kept very busy. First, the airport arrival on Monday, Feb. 28th,05 was spectacular; he was greet by 150 people and much local press. We got to bed around 2 a.m. and slept till noon the next day. Then we prepared and left on Tuesday at 3 p.m. for Ft. Bragg. We arrived at 7 p.m. and waited until the soldiers arrived at 1 a.m. at Green Ramp. All 161 marched inside and when released rushed to Joey's side. It was a very moving moment. We got to bed at 4 a. m. at a local hotel and slept till noon (Wednesday). We met Joey's army buddy, Josh Moran, and his parents for lunch; then we returned to Hampstead arriving at 6 p.m. Joey's two brothers came over at 7 p.m. so that MTV could film them chatting about childhood memories. Next day, Thursday, Joey needed to take care of business at DMV, bank, storage unit, etc. At 7 p.m. extended family, pastor and close friends were invited to my house to see Joey. We got to bed early as we had to arrive at the radio station for interview the next morning, Friday, at 7:00 a.m. Joey talked for 3 hrs. to people calling into the station. He really enjoyed this part of his trip. We then went to the American Legion, Post 10 from 10:30 till 2 p.m. for a fish fry benefit for Joey. Upon arriving home at 2:30, Joey and I both needed a nap. Jayme arrived at 9 p.m. Friday night from DC, driving the new station wagon, all alone and brave. She had to remain in DC to attend her schooling at Bethesda. She is a remarkable young lady and I am so glad to have her as my daughter in law. The local politicians gave a great ceremony on Saturday (about 200 attended) and awarded Joey the highest honor in NC with the Long Leaf Pine Award from the Governor Mike Easley. Lots of local veterans attended and presented memberships, caps, pins, etc. Joey's platoon attended the ceremony surprising everyone and then accompanied Joey to dinner in Wilmington. Sunday, Joey and Jayme attended church with the family and left at 12:30 p.m. to drive to DC so that he could be in therapy on Monday and also prepare this week for his hand surgery on Friday, 11th of March. Please continue to pray for his ability to walk. Again, thank you for your love and support.
I have attached 2 pictures; one of Joey during the ceremony and one of with family after church. His grandmother turned 90 on Monday, 7th.
Gail, Joey and Jayme
