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Monday, February 21, 2005

Operation Armor Up Needs Your Help

Dear Patti and Ben,

As project manager of the Armor-Up program for the Soldiers Angels, I have had many requests for Kevlar blankets from our soldiers. They are in need of extra amour to protect them from attacks on their vehicles while on missions. Some of the vehicles they travel in have inadequate protection against sniper fire and IEDs ( improvised explosive devices). Our most recent request is from a captain who was severely wounded during operations in Iraq. If he had the Kevlar blankets in his vehicle he would not have had serious wounds that led to his 14 surgeries and need to learn to walk again. His unit is now deployed again in Iraq and due to his injuries he was not able to go with them. Here is a message from him to our Soldier Angel Group.

His first e-mail from Late December 2004:
"I appreciate all that your organization is doing for our soldiers. I was severely wounded on 01 July 03 and am unable to accompany my unit during their return to Iraq. I know that Kevlar blankets would have kept a good deal of the shrapnel out of my body and I am wondering what I need to do to get my unit on your list to receive Kevlar Blankets. Thank you for all you are doing." Captain of INF Battalion.

The e-mail I received today reads:
"The guys are now in place in Iraq and I should have a good address from the CO in the next few days. I know it's longer than I initially anticipated but they took some time in Kuwait before they could move North. I can't tell you how much they appreciate what you all are doing for them. This blanket program is a tangible and important show of support which may mean men come back alive who would have died. I can't thank you enough! "

We need to fulfill his request for (4) Kevlar blankets as soon as possible so we can help protect his men and give this hero the peace of mind that he has done all he could do to protect them.

Each blanket costs $925.00 and meets the Dept. Of Defense specifications.


Soldier Angel Robin
Land of the Free - Because of the Brave

If you would like to donate to Operation Armor Up, please go to the webpage here. You will find a link there where you can make a donation. If you need further information, click on the "Email Brandonblog" link on the right hand side of this page, and email us.