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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Joey's Update - 1/13/05

A message from Landstuhl:

I dont' know what to say, I can't tell you how much your son touched the lives of all of us over here, since hearing the news of how good he is doing it has made us all different people, I talked with Dr Woods this morning and told him and he said it made it all worthwhile, Joey will never know the inspiration he is to us over here, his special nurse is Captain Lim, she is so anxious to talk to him and Chaplain Warren will also be writing you along with the ICU nurses, I am sitting here now with tears, my son was also a Marine and was hurt in a training accident, every young boy that comes through looks like him, and I cry, today was very hard for us over here, now I sit here and look at the pictures of Joey before and after and realize how many lives he has touched, and the hope it gives us for the boys that are here, God brought you to me right now, I needed to hear from you, please send me your number and a time, it is so cheap for me to call you, I would love so very much to talk to you

Our thanks to everyone at Lanstuhl for all that they do to take care of the wounded brought to their doors.