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Friday, December 10, 2004

Michelle Malkin

Soldiers' Angels was established in June 2003 by Patti Patton-Bader, mother of Spc. Brandon Varn, who has recently returned from a year's deployment to Iraq. One of their many projects is "Armor Up:"

Armor is necessary protection for our deployed heroes. Although the Army is now aggressively sending Armored Humvees into the combat theatre, we still have many unarmored vehicles which do not provide adequate protection from sniper fire and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices)...To help protect our heroes on the dangerous roads of Iraq, Soldiers Angels is working with Kejo (an online distributor of Police,Security and Military Equipment) to help provide additional protection to for our Humvees on the front lines. Please help us buy more of these Kevlar blankets. You can donate funds to help purchase a blanket to Soldiers Angels or adopt a unit in need and send the blanket directly to that unit. Attaching Kevlar blankets to the doors and floors of un-armored humvees provides significant additional protection from IEDs as well as an additional degree of protection from direct fire. Many humvees currently patrolling in Iraq are equipped with only vinyl doors and windows and aluminum flooring.