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Monday, December 20, 2004

A Hero Heals - Update December 20th

Joey is in casting this Monday morning. The left leg stump will be evaluated. Joey was in severe pain on Saturday with it and asked me to have the doctor paged. I asked the desk nurse, Lt. Brown, to call one of the three orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Hampston, Dr. Frisk, Dr. Lacup. He called the weekend -on -call doctor and she said that Joey could wait until Monday because he was due to be re-casted. I knew Joey was in severe pain so I asked the desk nurse to page Dr. Hampston. He informed me that procedure was to call in house doctor on weekends. I returned to Joey's room and started to pray and read a booked named WHY (deals with people questioning God why bad things happen to good people) written by Dr. Billy Graham's daughter, Ann. I had read the preface which talks about Lazarus being raised from the dead and then was on page 4 when the door slightly opened and Dr. Hampton stuck his head in and waved quietly because Joey was nodding. I jumped up and ran to him and asked, "Who called you?" He replied, "No one, I just came to check on Joey." He was dressed in blue jeans and jacket, not white coat. I said, "God sent you." Within 20 minutes, Dr. Hampston had the cast cut to relieve the pressure on Joey's leg. What a miracle that God intervened within 20 minutes for Joey's sake. Keep praying about this leg and the bacteria that Joey doesn't have to have more surgery. I'll keep you informed on airing on CBS.
Gail and Joey
