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Monday, December 20, 2004

A Hero Heals - Update December 19th

Joey is in great spirits; Jayme came on Wednesday and is leaving today at noon. She will return on the 28th for good. It has helped me so much to get these three days to relax and sleep in a bed.
Joey goes to casting tomorrow, Monday, instead of Tuesday as planned. Dr. Hampton will re-evaluate his stump. Pray that all is well and no surgery is needed. There is a sore on Joey's right arm stump that is giving a problem; they can't fit a prothesis until this heals. Also that ugly bacteria is hanging around. Joey is placed in the electric wheel chair and taken to therapy every week day. This is necessary to get him up and moving and to get his limbs back to working. Joey will be on tv again; I'll let everyone know in time to watch. Thanks so much for all your support and prayers. I'll be emailing pics of the wedding to you too. Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
Gail and Joey