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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Marine turned comic to entertain troops

Retired U.S. Marine officer turned stand-up comedian James Connolly of Santa Monica, Calif., left for Iraq Sunday to entertain troops.

Connolly, formerly with Camp Pendleton's 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, says it was the first Persian Gulf War in 1991 that triggered his comedy career. He was asked to write one-liners to skewer fellow officers for a dinner roast hosted by his commanding officer.

The next day I was called into his office and I assumed I had crossed the line, Connolly said. Instead, I found the colonel laughing and asking me for suggestions on how to deliver the jokes.

Connolly said watching the colonel's success, he knew he wanted to perform himself.

As part of Comics On Duty World Tour, Connolly and four other comedians will entertain in Iraq during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Connolly is host of cable's VH1's Movie Obsessions, and has been a champion on Ed McMahon's Next Big Star. He appeared in the movie The Act and performs in top comedy clubs including The Improv and Catch A Rising Star.

Marine turned comic to entertain troops